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Set Up and use of Cloudoor IAM

Welcome to your first steps on Cloudoor ! In this section, we'll show you how to invite users, assign them roles, and delete them if necessary.

Roles in Cloudoor

In Cloudoor, roles are based on the prioritization of personas common to all Kubernetes use cases on two layer of your enterprise, organization level (IAM) and project level (RBCA).

Role Name Level Role Description
Super-Admin Organization The super-Admins configure the interface.
They can integrate all users via IAM, clusters via the Hub,
and define tagging and quota policies for the organization.
Project Owner Organization The Project Owners become administrators of their projects
They can create and administer a project, ask for resources
(CPU, Memory, Storage), add team members to the project,
link environments across multi-cloud Kubernetes clusters
Project Owner+ Organization Same as Project Owners except one thing.
The Project Owners + are self-provisioned; they do
not need validation from the Validator.
Validators Organization They Validate Resources requests.
The Validators receive the resource requests and decide whether
or not to accept them.
In case of refusal, the owner project must reapply.
Project Admins Project They are the project Owners
Manage environments, Resources, clusters, day-to-day deployments
Developers Project They deliver applications.
Set up environments and Deploy Applications
Viewers Project They monitor results.
They can view and monitor KPI thanks to the dashboard project

Cloudoor Members Set Up Using Cloudoor UI

Invite Members and Assign Roles

  1. Let’s click on “invite member” button in the navigation bar.
  2. Fill the new member's email address.
  3. Click on “Add”

The user will be sent an email with a link for creating their password. After they're done. They can login to the Cloudoor UI with their username and password. You can click the Members Section and you can see your newly added user if they've accepted the invitation link.

Managing Members Access

To manage your members' access, go to the "Members" dashboard in the nav bar. This function groups all active members of your organization. Here you can:

  1. Change a member's role in the field indicated in the column next to their name.
  2. Delete a member by pressing the delete cross and confirming deletion in the dialog box that appears.

And you're done.

Cloudoor Members Set Up Using DOORCLI


Connect to the Cloudoor command line to use a command in this tutorial.

Creating IAM Users

door adm create user --firstname james --lastname james --email --username james --department devops

NB: The username and email flags are required to create a user.

The user will automatically be assigned a member role.

Listing IAM Users

You can list all users or a specific user.

  • To list a specific user:
    door adm get users james 
  • To list all users:
    door adm get users

Assigning and Droping Roles to IAM Users

Before assigning a role, you should verify that the user is already registered. You can assign a new role for a user or modify an existing role from the user.

  • Assigning A Role:

Assign a super-admin role to james

door adm set-role --username james --role super-admin
  • Dropping A Role.

Before deleting a role, make sure there is a user with this role. Drop James's super-admin role.

door adm delete-role --username james --role super_admin 

Updating IAM Users

You can update the first name, last name, and the department of the user. Before updating the user, be sure that it exists by listing the users. Now, let’s modify the first name James to Mody.

door adm update user --firstname mody --username james 

NB: The username is required and can not be changed.

Deleting a IAM User

Before deleting a user, you must verify if the user exists. Then, delete the user james by specifying his username.

door adm delete user james 

Creating an IAM Group

To create a new group for example admin group, you use the door command:

door adm create group --name admin 

Deleting an IAM Group

To delete the admin group use:

door adm delete group admin 
Note: You can only delete empty groups, so you'll have to delete every user in the group before deleting the group

Listing IAM Groups and Users

Listing Groups and All user-member contained in the Group:

To get all groups use:

door adm get group 

To get a single group admin for example use:

door adm get group admin 

Assigning Roles to IAM Group

To add super_admin role to the admin group use:

door adm groups add-role group-name role-name 


door adm groups add-role admin super_admin

Deleting Roles from IAM Groups

Delete super_admin role from the admin group use:

door adm groups delete-role group-name role-name 


door adm groups delete-role admin super_admin

Adding Users to IAM Group

To add one or more users to a group use:

door adm groups add-user group-name user1 user2 user3 ...
Example: To add user james to the group admin use:
door adm groups add-user admin james 

Deleting Users from IAM Groups

To delete a user from a group use:

door adm groups delete-user group-name username 

To delete user james to the group admin use:

door adm groups delete-user admin james

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